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How to Claim Your Rapid Identity Account


Rapid Identity

In order to claim an account in Rapid Identity

  1. Go to
  2. Click  on Claim My Account
  3. Type in your name, exactly as it is listed in Infinite Campus. 
    • If there is a hyphen or an apostrophe, be sure to include that.
    • If Infinite Campus has misspelled your name, you will need to misspell it in exactly the same way.
    • The student ID number is the seven digit number beginning with zero.  
  4. Choose a password that is at least 8 characters long and type it in twice.  
  5. Answer only three of the challenge questions.
  6. When you are finished, go back and make sure you can log in. 
  7. Your username is: lower case s followed by your student ID number beginning with zero.  

How to claim your student account (3).pptx

Claim Your Account (1).pdf