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Clubs and Organizations





Myeisha Durant
Cheryl Ralph

The National Beta Club isan organization for 4th through 12th grade studentsin the United States. Its purpose is "to promote the ideals of academic achievement, character, leadership and service among elementary and secondary school students."

GPA requirement: 3.5 or higher

Chick-Fil-A Leadership Academy

Mary Hubbard
Linda Johnson          
Pam Harris

Chick-fil-A Leader Academy™ is a national high school leadership program focused on impact through action. The world needs more leaders who impact their local communities, and we believe high school students are the answer!

Chorus Ensemble

Christina Thurman

Chorus is a class for students who enjoy singing and music that focuses on a wide range of musical styles, languages, techniques and genres.

Drama Club

Brittany Fenley      Dr. Tanya Watson

Drama club gives students an opportunity to participate in supervised creative dramatic activitieswhich include performances in front of an audience. Members will be exposed to different aspects of theatre including impromptu skits, monologues, blocking, playwriting, and prop selection and use.


Tasha Ector

EYL aims to raise aspirations in young women to achieve their education and career potential by providing mentoring, confidence building activities and career workshops from positive role models.


Tasha Ector         
Melissa Gusby   
Devuan Lightner

FBLA is the high school division of Future Business Leaders of America-Phi Beta Lambda, Inc. FBLA helps high school students prepare for careers in business through academic competitions, leadership development, and educational programs


Martis Ferguson

FFA is a youth leadership organizationthat makes a positive difference in the lives of young people by developing their potential for premier leadership, personal growth, and career success through agriculture education.

Gentleman of Quality

James Scarborough  Kendall Middlebrooks

The primary objective of Gentlemen of Quality is to transform young men into gentlemen. GQ is a leadership/mentoring program geared towards increasing student engrossment and motivation through relationships and career building. Role models and mentors help posture our young boys with male friendly activities and service in the community.

Guitar Club

Dr. Brandon McDaniel

The guitar club at RHS is a place where you can learn how to play guitar and hang out with your friends in a low-pressure environment where you can learn at your own pace. Guitar club is open to students of all levels. Students in this club are not expected to play at concerts, but may later join Jazz/Rock Band if they wish.

International Club

Ivette Franklin

The International Club is a community of international and American studentsdedicated to: Promoting and enhancing international awareness, cooperation, cultural diversity and dialogue among students of different nations and American students

Jazz/Rock Band

Roy Collins
Dr. Brandon McDaniel
Christina Thurman


The Jazz band at RHS is a place where musicians can explore performing not only Jazz music, but also Rock, Funk, R&B, and a number of other genres of music. Students are expected to perform at several concerts every year.

Marching Band

Roy Collins

The marching band is a group of instrumental musicians who perform while marching, often for entertainment or competition. The marching band also performs indoor concerts that implement many songs, traditions, and flair from outside performances.

Modern Band

Dr. Brandon McDaniel

Rehearse and perform music from a variety of genres, including R&B, Rock, Indie, Hip-Hop, and more.

Morehouse TRIO


The Morehouse College Educational Talent Search Program is funded by the U. S. Department of Education and is designed to assist youth with academic potential. Participants must come from a family whose taxable income does not exceed the income level established by the U. S. Department of Education and/or first generation families (i.e. neither parent graduated from college).The program provides academic, career, and financial counseling to its participants and equips them with the tools and resources to graduate from high school and continue on to and complete their postsecondary education.Talent Search also encourages persons who have not completed educational programs at the secondary or postsecondary level to enter or reenter and complete postsecondary education. The program also serves military veterans.


Myeisha Durant
Cheryl Ralph

The National Honor Society (NHS)elevates a school's commitment to the values of scholarship, service, leadership, and character.

GPA requirement: 3.75 or higher


Dr. Brandon McDaniel

The RHS Orchestra is a community of musicians dedicated to perfecting their craft on string instruments, refining artistic expression, and creating meaningful experiences through music. Most orchestra members should have some experience from middle school orchestra, although we will accept self-motivated and self-directed beginners. Students are expected to perform at several concerts every year.

Student Government
Association (SGA)

Dr. Tanya Watson


The Student Government Association (SGA) provides students with representation, services, and advocacy within the school structure. The SGA provides quality leadership and accountability to the Riverdale High School population. It stands on the platform that strength arises from diversity, engagement, and dialogue. It is composed of student leaders nominated and voted by their peers, including a President (Senior classman), Vice-president, Secretary, and Treasurer

Skills USA

Pamela Harris
Kimberly Jackson Bridgette Brown

SkillsUSA is a partnership of students, teachers and industry working together to ensure America has a skilled workforce. We help each student excel. A nonprofit national education association, SkillsUSA serves middle-school, high-school and college/postsecondary students preparing for careers in trade, technical and skilled service (including health) occupations.

Upward Bound


The mission of Upward Bound is to encourage and assist students who are traditionally underrepresented in post-secondary education because of income, family educational background or other relevant federal, state, or institutional criteria, in the preparation for, entry to, and completion of a post-secondary education.


Whitley Howard

Yearbook club provides students with the opportunity to assist in yearbook sales, photography and design. Students help to promote yearbook sales by making posters and distributing yearbook information. Students also assist in designing the pages of the yearbook.